Diet Info Stuffs

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Feeding your birds a nutritious diet provides longevity.  A Bird that is on a healthy diet has the potential to heal itself, as well as prevent ailments. It is our decision on what we choose to feed our birds.  A varied diet that is consistently fed and well-balanced is the key to optimum health! 
It is beneficial to share healthy human foods with your birds. Birds are flock animals. They enjoy partaking in family activities. When eating dinner be sure you give your birds a small portion of your meal.  Note: Never change your bird's diet if he/she is not healthy to begin with. It could be detrimental; see your Avian Veterinarian first. Also noting: I do not advocate a diet consisting *only* of pellets or seeds. Most foods should be fed in moderation.
Did You Know... Healthy Birds on a healthy diet can heal themselves in most situations.
Several years ago, we changed our flock's diet dramatically. Though months of research, we decided to take our birds off of pellets.  (Please feel free to view the articles written by Alicia McWatters on our articles page.)
Starting with Alicia's Mash Recipe along with a few modifications I felt were necessary to incorporate into their diet (papaya, etc.).  I also sprout seeds, beans and grains and offer birdie bread but converted to a healthier version (I use Hodgson Mills Corn Muffin Mix with Whole Wheat Flour). In the afternoon, my flock receives an all natural seed, nut and grain mix which is always available to them. In the evening they receive a warm meal..
Since the Mash Diet is frozen, I felt the freezing process compromised the nutritional content, therefore I switched to a fresher mix of food for my feathered companions. By serving my birds fresh fruits and vegetables along with sprouting and an all natural seed, grain and nut mix called Avian Naturals (Preservative free. Made with Organic & Human Grade Ingredients) I feel my flock is getting the best possible diet which is well rounded with essential vitamins and minerals.
Purchase only enough fresh vegetables and fruits to last a few days so that it is always fresh. Offering as much organic produce as possible. But sometimes that is not always as readily available as regular fruits and vegetables. 
zachie_greens.jpg (13335 bytes)For optimal health, a large variety of of fresh fruits and vegetables is crucial.  Think if you were to eat the same food day in and out, we all would get bored. Elaborating on the exact types of foods we offer our flock is stated later in this article. By giving your birds a variety of foods, will ensure they are getting the proper essential vitamins and minerals from these fresh foods. Preparing a batch of fresh fruits and vegetables every two days so that it is always fresh, changing the variety every time.
Did You Know... In some situations, diet plays a role in behavioral problems. Birds that lack certain vitamins & minerals in their diet can resort to biting, plucking, etc. When we think of humans who are nutritionally deficient they can suffer from depression, anxiety, etc. The same can apply with parrots but they will resort to different behavioral problems.
When Organic fruits and vegetables are not available; I will peel some of the fruits. Coring all of them.  (Note: Certain fruits and vegetables have seeds that are toxic to parrots). Peels contain pesticides and should be disinfected with either Avicine or Citricidal. Organic produce is thoroughly washed.
"The Fresh Food Mix"
Here are some of the fruits and vegetables we offer our flock. Note they are not given this every day, but I make sure to give about 10-12 fruits and vegetables daily, changing the variety every other day. We do not offer any canned vegetables. The nutritional content is minimal and the sodium is very high. Frozen vegetables is rarely offered.
The Fresh Food Mix: Always ensure 1 fruit and vegetable has a high vitamin A content in it (papaya, sweet potatoes, yam, cantaloupe, acorn squash, pumpkin). Vitamin A aids in Calcium absorption. Offering 5 or 6 fruits and 5 or 6 vegetables daily. Several leafy green vegetables which have a high Calcium content (either Swiss Chard, Mustard Greens, Dandelion Greens, etc) are always mandatory in the mix.
Fresh Fruit:  Apples (cored), Papaya ,  Mango (pitted), Oranges (seeded), Cantaloupe, Melon , Star fruit,  Pineapple, Pomegranate, Berries (Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Blueberries), Pears (cored), Peaches (pitted), Plums (pitted), Kiwi (peeled), Banana (peeled), Cherries (pitted), Cranberries, Grapes (with seeds), Grapefruit (seeded), Tangerines (seeded), Cactus Pear (peeled), Banana (peeled) - Note Banana is only served fresh.
Note: Citrus fruits should never be given more than 4 to 5  days a week.
Fresh Vegetables:  Red Beets (peeled), Radishes, Turnips, Carrots, Cooked Sweet Potatoes, Radicchio, Endive, Mustard Greens, Beet & Turnip Greens, Dandelion Greens, Swiss Chard, Kale, Parsley, Basil, Cooked Red Potatoes, Peeled and Steamed Squash (Acorn, Spaghetti, Butternut, Summer, Pumpkin, etc. Note: the seeds are a favorite of my flock), Green Beans, Tomato, Sweet Red & Green Peppers, Hot Peppers, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Broccoli Rabe, Turnip Greens, Eggplant, Snow Peas, Tofu, Fennel, Kohlrabi, Sugar Snap Peas.
These are some things we will use to change the flavor variety to keep them interested in the fresh foods. Note: They are not used all at once. Flavorings are alternated every other day. You can also use this to get your feathered friend interested in a certain food. See my Diet Tips page for more information. 
Natural Flavorings:  Fresh Squeezed Lemon or Orange Juice (Vitamin C ~ boosts the immune system), Diced Garlic (wonderful antioxidant), Peeled & Diced Ginger, Chopped Parsley, Ground Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine, brazil, pecan), Chopped Cilantro, Dried Chili Peppers.
Be sure to check out our article To Peel or Not to Peel
Here is a partial list of items I use to Sprout. I use Citricidal to sprout everything. I also only sprout for about 24 hours. That is when the sprouts are peaking at their nutritious levels.
Seeds:  Broccoli, Alfalfa, Kale, Sesame, Sunflower, Radish, Mustard, Millet, Red Clover, Dill
Beans:  Garbanzo, Adzuki, Mung (Note: Beans never should be offered dried)
Grains:  Oat Groats, Rye Berries, Wheat Berries, Whole Kernel Corn, Barely, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Amaranth
Chocolate in any form should not be fed to birds. Bittersweet, Baker's and Dark Chocolates are more toxic than Milk Chocolate. But all the same - do not feed it to your birds.
Table salt when fed excessively will cause increased thirst to increase water consumption to increased urination.
Excessive amounts of Cooked and Raw Onions can be toxic to your bird.  Onions contain the chemical n-propyl disulfide which denatures hemoglobin.  This will in turn destroy Red Blood Cells. Causes: Anemia, Jaundice, Bloody Urine.  Note: Be cautious if feeding cooked onion in small amounts.
Alcoholic beverages should be avoided at *all* costs.
Apple Seeds contain Cyanide. Be sure to always remove apple seeds before giving a portion to your birds.
Mushrooms have the potential of being toxic. 
Dairy items are not digested in birds. Birds do not have the digestive enzymes necessary to process milk. There are some products that are available on the market as an alternative to dairy products. Soy Milk, Tofu Cheese, etc. Which can be given to your birds as an alternative to dairy items.
Carbonated AND Caffeinated beverages should be avoided at all costs.
Avocado is toxic to birds as well due to the high fat content.

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