A Feathered Cry

This will make you cry.

It all started when I came out of an egg.
No one showed me how to behave as a parrot "should".

My first daddy wasn’t to nice to me
He said that I was "bad".
He stopped loving me after that first bite.
He slammed me back into my cage,
took away all my toys,
I started to scream.
Then he hit me with a broom
and put a blanket over my cage.

So, here I am a bad little bird that bites.
I'm angry and I have this pain inside.
But, please don’t throw me away,

I can be good!

My next mommy yelled at me,
I said bad things back at her.
So now I say crude and rude things,
please don’t take me back to that place

I’ll try to be good.

I'm still just a baby,
and no one understands me.
Please show me what I’ve done that was so wrong.

My next mommy just HAD to have me.
She said that I was “ cool to look at", she liked that I could talk.
But she doesn't have time for me any more those few months went by fast.

Now I’m an ugly, bad bird, who plucks.
I am not much to look at as I used to be,
only if someone could tell me what I did that was so wrong.

I fell in love with my last daddy, he made me feel good inside!

But he died and left me,
So here I sit all alone.

This is a sad story but it is even more sad that is a true story in many bird’s lives.
Birds like this can easily be turned around with a lot of work and patience but most important a lot of love. All I’m asking is before you consider bringing a bird into your home remember that it is a life long commitment and that they are not something you can just throw away.

Elisabeth. K. Anstadt Founding Member of

Wings Over Williamsport Pet Bird Society.

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